Sunday, September 21, 2008

He's a growing boy!

Our little Hayden is in that curiosity stage. You know the one, where a kid will try any food you put before them, where they will try and repeat any word or action he sees, where he will climb to the heights without any regard for the impending depths. 

Nowadays Hayden keeps me constantly on my toes. I have few moments throughout the day where I don't have to be on alert for what he might be climbing, where he might be hiding, what he might be eating, what buttons he might be pushing. Whew! He also loves to get on top of the table and see if there are any leftovers after his big brothers have finished their snacks. Sometimes it is just a lonely cereal box, but then sometimes he gets lucky and Asher has abandoned a plate of French fries and ketchup for dipping. Yummy!

So enjoy this little sampling of our baby boy chowing down. Man he is cute and we can't seem to get enough of him!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Parachute Tribe ...

Sometimes I wish I could crawl inside of Asher John's head. He comes up with the most interesting and strange ideas sometimes. 

Elias and Asher were talking about Native American tribes. Justin asked Elias if he could name a tribe and he replied, "Cherokee." I told him that the Lakotas lived near Nanny and Poppy. Some time passed and then Asher asked me, "Mom, is there a tribe called the Parachute tribe?" I had to ask him to repeat his question because I wasn't sure I heard him right. Nope, he said exactly what I thought he said, parachute tribe. "I don't think there is a tribe called the parachutes," I informed him. He just smiled and kept on daydreaming.

Asher is one of those kiddos that can make you feel so full of love and happiness one minute and then in the next moment he can send you into orbit with his tenacity. And those dimples, man!

If anyone hears about a lost tribe called the Parachute, please let us know!


Sunday, September 14, 2008

little cow pokes ...

OK, so it isn't the best picture, but here are my big guys on their first horse ride! While recently in SD visiting Mom & Dad, we got to visit "Cowboy Church." The boys and I sat in a barn and listened to a preacher donning a cowboy hat and belt buckle, while a dog named Molly ran up and down the "aisle." Oh, and yes there were horses! In fact, the horses kept inching forward into the barn during the sermon and knocked over a box fan at one point. After church the boys mounted their steeds and rode around the pasture. Of course they had to wear Poppy's cowboy hats and bolo ties! You know my guys ... They always have to look the part.

I hope to be better about posting here. But I am always hoping that! Truly I have much to tell you all about how Elias is faring in our little St. Innocent's Homeschool, about how Hayden is changing and all the new words he is saying, and about how Asher keeps us on our toes with his humor and imagination.

I will leave you with my little Asher as he rides off into the sunset (okay, use your imagination about the sunset part!).

Friday, September 12, 2008

"Papa Virgil"

Well, yesterday marked the one year passing of my Papa. In my busy and relatively noisy life, I rarely slow down long enough to "remember." Sometimes things just hit me--like I've failed to look up and notice the tulip poplar in the front yard before my forehead meets in squarely on its rough, hard trunk. Ouch! 

The one year anniversary of my Papa's death did not sneak up on me though. It didn't take me by surprise or bring me to a place of sadness. You see, part of the joy of having little ones running around is that they see things so innocently, so clearly sometimes. The boys and I were having breakfast yesterday and I told them that one year ago Papa died. I asked them if they remembered going to his funeral. They did. Then Asher, who is four, said what he always says when anyone talks about Papa. He said, "But Mommy, Papa is ALIVE in Christ!" That's it folks. My four-year-old gets it. 

I read my cousin Tisha's blog a little bit ago and was thinking about what she said about her kids not knowing Papa. It reminded me that my little guys have a very limited memory of their "Papa Virgil" as they called him. They remember the farm, the tractor, the tools, the cats, and they even remember how Papa always had a toothpick in his mouth. But they remember other things too. As we drove to the funeral one year ago, Asher asked all of us if we remember visiting Papa when he was on "that machine." Yes, we visited Papa one day while he was at the dialysis center. Papa told them all about the machine he was hooked up to. He told them how it helped make his body feel better afterwards. They were fascinated and a bit concerned. After we talked a little bit about their memories of that visit Asher said, "But Papa doesn't have to do that anymore now, right?" "Right, Asher!"

Their actual experience with Papa may have been few, but they are strong memories for them. And I get to add to their memories those I have. About a month ago when all the watermelon started appearing at our local farmer's market, the boys just had to have one. We were enjoying the sweet fruit later that night and I couldn't help but make some watermelon rind teeth. That's right, I carved some green teeth right there at the dinner table. The boys always appreciate a chance to be silly at the table, so they joined in and we all sported our watermelon rind teeth! I have such a vivid picture in my mind of Papa and his watermelon rind teeth. No, my boys never saw him carve out teeth from a watermelon, but now when they think of this in the future it will be tied to their Papa Virgil, who lived on a farm and had so many tools to play with. ("Put that tool back where you found it Elias!" "But mom this is where I found it," he says as he tosses it into the tall grass growing around a tree that has become a collecting spot for various items covered in rust.)

I guess as long as I can remember and relay my stories to the kiddos, they will begin to see the Papa they knew through my eyes as well. The Papa that took me fishing in farm ponds, the Papa that let me play with the baby chicks, the papa that bought me a $300 chevette when I arrived at college without transportation, the Papa that then taught me how to drive that chevette since it was a stick, the Papa that said about dancing at my wedding, "Now why would I want to go out there and tire myself out like that?" And he really enjoyed seeing his great-grandsons! He would watch them wrestle and tumble, run around the yard, sneak up on the cats. And when I would try and settle them down or reign them in he would say, "Now, you just let them be. They aren't hurting anything."

So the thing is, Tisha (and the rest of you all without little ones yet), your kiddos will know their Papa Virgil through your stories, your memories and your love of him. And for kids, that is everything!

I know my post is a day late, but I like to think that Papa would tell you all, "Now leave her alone, she's got three little boys to run after. She does what she can!" 

Love to you all!


Saturday, June 21, 2008

a Marine rings the Peace Bell

a Marine rings the Peace Bell, originally uploaded by jmorthodox.

Jake is now doing well in Japan. We always enjoy hearing from him on skype.


Ps 117:24

MVI_2728, originally uploaded by jmorthodox.

Asher and Elias are doing so well with memory verses and we thought we would share!


Ps. 117:24

MVI_2725, originally uploaded by jmorthodox.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


IMG_2716.JPG, originally uploaded by jmorthodox.

We had a great hike the other day with the boys. We hiked in about half a mile to a small waterfall and rocky creek. Along with many crawdads, we saw two water snakes. One swam right between Hayden's legs! When we returned to the van, I spotted a large Copperhead snake right where Elias was admiring a slug. We avoided danger and had much to talk about on our ride home!

Check out the other pictures in this series at our Flickr site!

We love and miss you all!


Monday, June 09, 2008

Bugs in KY!

Bugs in KY!
Originally uploaded by jmorthodox
on the way home from Indiana. More on flickr. Jm

Friday, May 30, 2008

Hayden blows on the hot bean

dinner at our house tonight...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Peace ...

As some of you may already know, Oak Ridge has a rather notorious history. It was established by the government as the seat of the Manhattan Project and was the site where much of the uranium was extracted to create the atomic bombs dropped in Japan during WWII. Now in the Civic Center Park in the heart of town is a memorial to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is called the International Friendship PEACE Bell. It was actually given to the City of Oak Ridge by the Japanese Government. Ironic!

Anyway, with my littlest (he would prefer I say "youngest") brother visiting for less than 24 hours before shipping out to Okinawa, it seemed like a fitting place to take him. And yes, he rang the bell. He is now a Marine. The little boy who used to sit for abnormal amounts of time twirling his pencil, Lincoln log, or any common twig, will now be serving his time in the military. I would be lying if I said I wouldn't prefer him to be heading out on a mission trip or Peace Corps assignment, but that is not the case for him. My prayer is only that he find a way of serving God in this journey and that it will hold for him PEACE, always PEACE.



Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Our Beautiful Home ...

I know it has been ages since I wrote. All I can say is life is busy! The boys are active, I am regularly waking in the middle of the night to attend births, our Church calendar is full, and the grass grows about a foot a week! ;-)

We have discovered a beautiful part of the Smokies National Park. It is called Cade's Cove. We love taking a picnic and spending the day in the park. The boys get to explore old cabins, cemeteries, and creeks, and I get to gaze at the Smoky Mountains rising all around the cove!

Sometimes we wonder if this stout little guy might be able to pull us all along. Then to our surprise we actually found a yoke that fits him!

Our little daredevils! Last time we were at this creek we saw a water snake. The forrest is thick with rhododendrons in this area!

We love you all and so wish we could afford the gas money and the time for a visit! Our doors are always open. Y'all come see us, y'hear!

Christ is Risen!


Thursday, January 31, 2008


just sittin' here in the colander while Mom gets dinner going ...

... hey, there's that dog ...

... what's the trick for getting out of this thing? ...

... he doesn't mind when I squeal and shake his crate, but sometimes he does lick my fingers and face if they come too close ...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

long time no news ...

Well, I realize it has been a while since I have posted new comments or pix. I hope to make up for lost time! Much has been happening in the Mathews household since my last post. We have seen quite a bit of calamity as far as plumbing, water damage, and multiple-appliance failure. We are still putting things back in order after all of that. We will have a remodeled bathroom when it is all said and done, and may even end up with a new oven (ours has been broken since just after Thanksgiving!). On top of all the house issues, I have been quite afflicted with one inconvenient and painful ailment after another. From Christmas until now, I have been through losing my voice, mastitis, extreme tooth pain, acute gastritis (due to the ibuprofen I was taking for the pain of the previous two ailments), and the removal of all four (three of which were impacted) wisdom teeth! My jaw is still a bit sore and swollen, but I am seeing the light at the end of this tunnel. Actually, I think I am seeing a big, juicy hamburger at the end of this tunnel. With the gastritis, I lost about 12-14 pounds because I couldn't eat anything without experiencing very sharp pain and burning. The upside to all of this is that I am starting the year out under my pre-pregnancy weight, and I am feeling very anxious to get back into the swing of things. I am hoping I can ride the wave of this energy spurt for the next six months! ;-)

Anyway, here are few fun pix of all of us from the past couple of months:

"I can't move my arms!" This is how we bundle Hay Baby up to go out into the East Tn cold.

Asher playing with his new "hunter" set from Nanny and Poppy. Notice the bright orange hat he must wear so no other hunters will mistake him for a deer!

Sometimes we get so tired around here that we collapse in some interesting positions. Here is Elias with a sticker name-tag over his eye. I found him like this after checking in on him. He rarely "naps" now and his "quiet time" is never very quiet, with him singing or talking to himself the entire time. But on this day he was suspiciously quiet!

Here is Justin in the throes of bathroom demolition. Remember the "funny" incident with our toilet I wrote about. Turns out it leaked down in more places than I originally thought and we had to pull up carpet and remove carpet padding. As a result of the water damage we also had to remove the bathroom linoleum. We figured if we are ripping into the lovely pink and striped bathroom we might as well get to remodeling it. Out with the pink and in with the deep soak tub, new vanity, toilet and flooring!

This is the Sun Sphere in Knoxville. It is a leftover from the old World's Fair days. We spent a lovely Fall afternoon at World's Fair park and Justin snapped this picture of me with the world at my fingertips.

Love to you all. I will put up some Christmas pix of the kiddos up this week. Keep checking back. I am back in the saddle and plan on getting a more regular posting schedule together!

