Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Asher's Birthday Party

It does seem as if I measure my own days in my children's growth and experiences. "It was a good day. Asher, ate a great breakfast and had a long nap."OR "Today was crazy. Elias and Asher wouldn't obey and they picked on each other all afternoon."

I guess when you become a Mother those lines between "mine" and everyone else's blur. No, they don't blur; they erode. And now, my little monkey, Asher, is two years old! What have I been doing the past two years? Hard to say. But I can tell you in detail the happenings of this little love of mine. He speaks in full sentences now. The first person he asks about when he crawls in bed with Justin and I around 5:45am is his big brother,Elias. Elias is his best friend. When he sees Elias for the first time in the morning or meets him coming in the door, he yells, "Hey, Lilee!" and hugs him fiercly. He loves to dip his food in anything, ketchup, butter, dressing, salsa. We call him the "dipper." He loves Bob the Builder and monkeys. In fact, I have caught him dropping food on the floor at dinner time and when I ask him why he is doing that he replies, "Monkey will eat it!" Some mornings when he is laying in bed with Justin and I he will play a game with himself where he hides under the blankets to get away from the "monkeys." He and Elias are the only monkeys in this house though! And the boys are now in swimming lessons. Asher loves the water and especially gets a thrill from jumping from the side of the pool into his Daddy's arms.

As you can see, our little two-year-old truly enriches our lives. I will go on measuring my own days in light of the joys and trials presented to me by the "men" in my life.

I hope you enjoy some snapshots of Asher's birthday party last Saturday. It was the first warm, sunny day in months so about the whole seminary showed up to eat some cake and fellowship under the sun! We had a blast and the kids enjoyed the party. I made a monkey cake and the kiddos wore Curious George birthday hats. The playground was full of monkeys that day. What a joyous day!!

We love you all!


1 comment:

fjatman said...

i miss you guys!