Well, fall is officially here. I am sick with a head cold, the boys have runny noses and we are all feeling low energy. Seems like we live in a big preschool sometimes the way sickness gets passed around here on campus!
Lots of vitamin C, Netti pots, hot steam showers, garlic, and dayquil... Perfect ingredients for studying theology. Well, this too shall pass.
Please pray specifically for Jodi's health as well.
Well, off to preaching Luke tonight from 7:30 - 9:30. Mid-term is upon us in the next two weeks. I have a Patristics paper, a Canon Law exam, an Ecuminism paper as well as 3 sermons to prepare. This along with my regularly slotted schedule should keep me pretty busy!
By God's grace and your prayers we will be just fine! Thanks for all of your positive feedback in the last few days. Keep it coming!