Saturday, January 23, 2010

What a Year!

For those of you who check every now and then, hoping there will be something new on the blog---SURPRISE! I actually am taking a few minutes to write ... Have you been wondering why in the world it has taken me over a year to update our family blog ... This has been a particularly challenging year!

Since I last wrote, we have lost a baby, our home, a job, our little nephew and we have moved. I have had major surgery, Asher has developed chronic hives and other medical ailments have reared their ugly heads in our family. We are living with my in-laws in Kansas City and have a house we can't sell in TN. So things seem pretty bleak, huh?

The bright side of things is that we now live closer to family ;-)! My husband has a job he loves. We are part of an active and growing church, St. Mary of Egypt. Our boys are growing up strong and smart and happy! I have also gained a new sister-in-law, Kaori, and have another one joining the family this June, Kelly! And we have two nieces on the way!

I know it has been ages since I wrote and I really am not going to talk about the past! I want to make a real effort to keep our family blog updated with our happenings, with pictures of our boys, with stories about how we are striving to thrive, not just survive!

