Thursday, December 06, 2007

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

Well, in spite of what we are calling our week of seven plagues (3 broken appliances, two car break downs, a broken toilet and a substantial flood in the newly-carpeted basement!), we managed to really enjoy our time with Grandmama and Grandpapa this weekend.

We went and cut our tree down together on Sunday, It was a lovely outing, complete with hot chocolate! We had to adapt our tree to actually fit in our house. The trees at this farm were particularly large. The tree fits and it is huge. And, we all agreed, quite possibly the most perfect tree there ever was.

The boys had fun helping saw the tree down. Elias even wore his hard hat and goggles. That one's always a stickler for safety! Asher carried around a pitiful little branch while we hunted for the perfect tree. He called it his little Christmas tree. It was reminiscent of Charlie Brown! Hayden just loved being outside as always.

standing on the stump...

This morning the boys woke up to find that St. Nicholas had left them some gold (chocolate) coins, a chocolate Santa and a new puzzle. They really enjoy the story of the "real" santa! Check out this website if you want to learn more about the man behind the stories:

Hayden thought his first St. Nicholas Day was fun. Everyone was in his room when he discovered his slippers and a new book behind his curtains. He didn't care a lick about what was in the window, but he just loved that everyone was paying attention to him!

We love you all and miss you so much!


Friday, November 30, 2007

Not sure what to call this...

Well, I wasn't sure what to title this post. It could read: "Why the boys played emergency plumber all day" or "The one sound you never want to hear while sitting with a babe on the breast" or "How to have fun with water inside on a cold Fall day" or maybe "Why the boys need to drink more water"

So here's what happened:

My dear boy did his business like a champ, mom helped him get finished up, then we washed our hands, flushed and left the bathroom. Mom moved on to go nurse Hayden in his room, the boys went to couch to look at library books and await their mom's arrival for some reading time. So, I am sitting in the rocker, enjoying a quiet moment with the baby, when I hear the toilet running. Strange, I thought, since we hadn't heard it doing that in a while. Then I think I hear the faint sound of water trickling. Could that be what it sounds like? Faster than than you can imagine, and while nursing Hayden, I bolted from the rocker and into the hallway, where I was met with the slosh and splash of water around my feet.

In about a split second, I put Hay Baby on the ground in the living room, call Elias to come keep him from crawling into the water, and enlist Asher to go back to the other bathroom for the plunger. While they are carrying out their tasks, I am taking every towel within arms reach, whether it be hanging on a hook or folded neatly in the cupboard, and tossing them all over the ground, making sure that the first place they land is at the top of the stairs which lead down to our newly carpeted stairs and basement. Then I go to the water shut-off, which doesn't seem to be working!! As I fling the last piece of cloth I had grabbed, Asher comes back from the other bathroom. "Where's the plunger?" I ask. "Here," he says as he hands me the TWEEZERS! That's what I get for asking my three-year-old to fetch something he probably has never seen. SO, blinking back the tears of laughter, I make my way through the growing river to get the plunger. With just a few plunges, I begin to see the waters recede!

The upside to all of this drama ... the water was CLEAN!! And, it provided great inspiration for play for the boys. While I put Hayden in the saucer and began the job of mopping up the overflow, the bigger boys raced around the house pretending to call the plumber and re-enacting the flood drama they had just experienced. It really was laughable!

Moral of the story: Make sure the boys are getting enough water so their bodies are working more efficiently (AKA: avoid bodily back-ups, so as to avoid toilet back-ups.)

All in a day's work here at the Mathews' house.

What did you all do today?


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Look What I Can Do!

Yep! Hayden is officially pulling himself up ... in his crib, on the coffee table, on his brothers (if they are still long enough for him to use them as leverage), on the couch ... you get the idea.

At 7 months this little guys is keeping us on our toes!

LOOK WHAT I CAN DO! (and I think it is FUN too)

Love to all,


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A River Runs Through It ....

Here is my handsome man on his first fly-fishing outing with Adam. They left early on Saturday, the 24th. This is just 15 minutes from our house. They went fishing on the Clinch River. We really do live in a beautiful part of the country. It was about 30 degrees when they hit the river at 7am. No, they didn't catch anything but they really enjoyed the "guy time" on this amazingly beautiful East Tn morning.

Love to all!


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Give Thanks!

We have so much to be thankful for! We were blessed to have Kalyn and Adam here for the weekend. We have been missing family and it was nice to be with them. We had a fabulous feast, good times talking, a nice Fall hike, and nice birthday celebration.

Here are some pictures of our hike and our Thanksgiving feast. After our hike we ate turkey sandwiches and drank warm apple cider. We found a lovely kid and dog-friendly hike just 10 minutes from our house. We are discovering more and more about this area that we enjoy. Being so close to the mountains and so many rivers has been great! Justin and Adam got up early Saturday morning and went fly-fishing. I will post some pictures of that tomorrow!

The feast!

This is the centerpiece made from the things the boys and I collected on our nature walk last weekend. All these things either came from our yard, or from the woods behind us.

Making pumpkin pie with Aunt Kalie!

We miss you all! Happy Thanksgiving!

Love to you all!


Thursday, November 15, 2007 Launches!

Fr. Justin's newest project! Check it out, embed it in your site, make a purchase (10% of all sales are donated to Orthodox Christian charities!) Enjoy and check out the full site...

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Uncle Josh ... underway

Well, now I have one little brother at boot camp and one headed to sea for the next six months!

Jacob has joined the Marines and has been in basic training for the past few weeks. He will graduate January 4th and I am sure that cannot come soon enough for him!

Yesterday, Joshua, who is a lieutenant and the operations officer on the USS Germantown, got underway for a six-month ship tour. You can guess where he is headed! There was a great post on Josh and Tina's (and Otto's) blog about his departure (see our links for their blog!!). Justin read the blog post to the boys and me over breakfast this morning.

The boys are pretty interested in what their "soldier" uncles (sorry Jeremiah, Quinton, Adam, Jordan and John!) are up to. They regularly ask us if Uncle Josh has ever had to kill a bad guy. Sunday night we called him to say good-bye and they got to ask him for themselves. Uncle Josh told them that he had never had to kill anyone.

This morning, after hearing about Uncle Josh's ship setting off, the boys retreated to the basement and into the land of make-believe. Justin and I heard them talking and playing. Turns out Elias was pretending to be Uncle Josh and Asher was pretending to be Aunt Tina! Asher had this green fisherman-type hat on. ??

I told Asher that he could pretend to be Uncle Jacob, because he was a soldier too. He asked me if Uncle Jake was on a ship, to which Justin (seeing that being on the ship was part of the highlight of this play) replied, "Marines frequently have to be on ships. Uncle Josh's ship carries marines."

At this time we hear Elias yell from the basement, "I tried to tell him that but he wouldn't listen. He still wants to be Aunt Tina!"

Then Asher says with his special little smile--you know the one, "No, I am going to be Aunt Tina." And then he was off again!

God bless you Uncle Josh, wherever you are this night. Our prayers are with you!


Monday, November 05, 2007


That is the UT Volunteers for those of you who didn't know. And let me tell you that if you aren't a UT fan around these parts, you aren't anybody!

A man at our church, Cardy, called Justin Friday night and asked him if he and the boys wanted to go to a UT scrimmage basketball game. Well, I was on my way out the door to meet with a doula client and Justin had all three boys. He decided to "carpe diem", packed the kids in the van and headed for Knoxville. He wore Hayden in the backpack and the big guys had their own seats! They loved the game. It just happened to be the largest crowd for a scrimmage game in TN history, with a whopping 19 thousand people. Kudos to Justin for single-parenting his way through a massive crowd of people and a noise and energy-filled stadium!

Justin said Hayden did well except he lookied a bit worried when things got really loud. Asher said his favorite part of the game were the "pom poms." "Sometimes they spin," he said. "And sometimes they don't." I think this experience has definitely started them on their way to becoming die-hard UT fans. Thanks Cardy!

Sprite and popcorn at the game! "I love sports!" Elias tells us.


Love to all,


Saturday, November 03, 2007

Sticker Tree!

OK, we know it is "trick or treat," but try telling that to Asher. He thought for sure he was supposed to say, "Sticker tree!" Who knew that this simple, seemingly strange pairing of words would open the floodgates of sweets and treats!

The boys went trick-or-treating for the first time (really). OK, we went around to friends' apartments at SVS the past couple years, but this was their first adventure into the "neighborhood" with other miniature super heroes, military children, talking animals, high-society royalty, cartoon characters, and the like. When I told them earlier in the day that we would go trick-or-treating after Vespers Elias hugged me tightly and said, "You are the best Mom ever!" As if I wasn't sure he felt that way!

Grandaddy bought the boys these costumes, Batman and a "soldier" as Elias likes to say. We limited our jaunt to one smallish neighborhood without traffic, where the houses are close together and where there were many other little ones with which we could roam the streets. After we hit every house with an inviting porch light aglow, we headed to the Skate Church down the street from our house for some free hot cocoa and some running around the indoor skate park. The boys had a blast slipping and sliding on the ramps!

Enjoy these snapshots from our much-needed night of fun with the kiddos:

Ready to go...

The trick-or-treaters! You wouldn't believe how many comments Fr. Justin got on his "cool, awesome, interesting, original" costume!

Oatmeal Pie ... Sweet!

"Mom, look what I got!"

That's one tired super hero!

Love to you all!


Friday, October 26, 2007

Making Apple Butter

Greetings loved ones!

Today was a fabulously perfect Fall day. The boys and I spent the better part of it "helping" make apple butter at a friend's farmet. That's right apple butter--slow cooked (5 hours to be exact), in Great-granddad's brass kettle, stirred with the wooden paddle grandpa made over an open flame. Apple butter has never tasted so yummy.

SO how did we help? Well, Mom mostly stirred the pot. The boys would wander over to help me stir, when they took a break from chasing chickens, making mud pies, running through the buckwheat, playing in the wood pile, climbing trees, chasing the girls, and all the other fun things boys do when they are turned lose on five acres. I really had a hard time rounding them up and then convincing them they really needed to come back home and live with me. "Yes, the Pyle's are great people, but wouldn't you miss your mother?" "But Mom, I need to say 'good-bye' to the chickens." "Oh, I understand I am sure the chickens will miss you." You get the picture!

This was one of our "homeschool" gatherings. There are several families at St. Anne's who are homeschooling and we thought it would be fun to get together once-a-month (maybe more frequently in the future) and work on a project, go on a field trip, or just enjoy one another's company. Truth be told, once the fun of using the apple coring/peeling contraption was over, the Mom's took over stirring. It was great for me and it gave us grown-ups a chance to fellowship. Here a few pix of the day.

Love to you all. Come see us soon!


Monday, October 22, 2007

puppies and their boys...

Greetings loved ones!

Some of you have been asking me about the dogs. Well, there are a couple pix here of them right after we got them, a few months ago. They are much bigger now, but these pix should give you an idea about their coloring, etc.


Comfy (and clean I am sure!) kitchen floor:

The Lego doghouse:

Hayden (our real puppy) is creeping and "crawling now!


Things seem busy here even when things are normal. Today, Daddy's day off, as the boys call it, was rainy and grey--a great day for a visit to the American Museum of Science and Energy here in Oak Ridge. They have a fun exhibit up about animation and we had a blast animating ourselves and playing with the camera displays. We also tried the Van de Graaff. It sends static electricity through your body and makes your hair stand up. Asher is particularly brave about trying new things. He wanted to be the first volunteer to go up and stick his hand on the machine. No fear, that one. Dad and Mom tried it to. Elias watched with enjoyment from the comfort of his seat. What a way to spend a rainy day!

Love to all (Hayden is awake now and crying in the next room--duty calls)!


Friday, October 19, 2007

My new doula site just went live! Thanks for checking it out and linking to it if you have a site...

~ Jodi

Thursday, October 18, 2007


I came accross some pix of my Papa and thought I would share them with you all.

With his great-grandsons..

A meeting of the minds...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy...

Does this turtleneck make my neck look fat?

My Guys!

So this may only account for 50% of the men in my life, but ... Here there are, Asher and Elias. Asher has been asking lately about "his" glasses. Being that everything his big brother does, has, wants, likes, dislikes, must be the way things go for him as well, he was wanting some glasses too. I happened to find these and the fact that they have no lenses makes them harmless for his perfectly great eyesight. I think they fit his personality, don't you?

My website is up and running! Know any pregnant women in East Tennessee? Send them to

Love to all,


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Much Ado...

So, when you post as infrequently as I do there tends to be quite a pile-up of events and happenings.

My dear Papa has gone to heaven, only a couple weeks before his 85th birthday. He died on September 11th and I miss him. I know we live far away from "the farm", but knowing he's not there changes things. We all gathered for the funeral. It truly was the first time we had all been together like that since my wedding in January 1999. All, except Papa. Here are a few pictures of the family and one of Papa the week before he died. The kind folks at his dialysis center had a bit of a party for those celebrating their birthday's in September.



Monday, August 27, 2007

The Boys!

Life is always interesting with three boys and two dogs. Yes, you read correctly, two dogs. We now have puppies, Kenai and Koda, brother and sister. I will post some pix soon. They are cute and have added quite a bit of work to Mom's day! Try having two more babies to take care of. They have been on a trial period and are slowly gaining my approval. Frankly, the more time I spend with them and work on their training, the better they get.

This is just a quick post to get some new pix up of the boys.

This is where Hayden slept on our trip to Ottawa, and YES, that IS a SUITCASE. WOW! What a great trip! It was so nice to be amongst friends and new acquaintances for the purpose of spiritual growth and edification! Justin gave a great concert and had some fabulous sessions with the youth. Hayden and I got to sit in on several of the adult sessions.

Asher and Elias sporting their new South Dakota T-shirts from Nanny and Poppy and playing T-Ball with the set Elias got for his birthday.

And here is Daddy doing dishes with a little stow-away! Isn't Justin quite the domestic male, carrying the baby around while doing chores. Shortly after I took this photo Hayden fell asleep! He regularly falls asleep in the backpack when I wear him. Yesterday I vaccuumed the entire house while wearing him on my back. He was sound asleep by the time I finished. It is an easy way to amuse him while I get things done, but not so easy on my back!

I pray you all are well! I will not promise to post more tomorrow, but it is always my goal to keep our blog fresh with news of the family and photos of the boys as they are changing so quickly these days!



Saturday, July 21, 2007

Ancient Faith Radio

Please Visit:


Fr. Justin

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Asher does actually know how to use his chopsticks the "right" way. He makes a pretty cute bug too, though!

Here is "little" Hayden. He is getting chubby! He really is a happy baby and generally low-maintenance.

The boys are standing by their "digging hole." This is where Justin and I tore out ivy that was overtaking the side of the house and the back door into the kitchen. The boys didn't make it out of their PJs today, as you can see. They threw on socks and shoes to run outside to their hole. Nice fashion statement don't you think (especially on Asher's part ... very European!).

One not-so-great pic of the house. I will snap a few recent ones in the next couple of days! I finished priming the kitchen today! Whew! Next is painting the kitchen, then priming and painting Hayden's room ... If I have the energy!

Cheers to you all!
